Today I am in Las Vegas to celebrate my Dad's birthday! In honor of him, I wanted to share these photos from our trip to Nicaragua a few years ago. Just him and I went on this incredible journey together.
We went with a company, Friends New England, led by an AMAZING man, Michael who arranged all of this for us and runs the organization! We did some sightseeing of the beautiful country including the ridiculously photogenic countryside, climbed an active volcano, and saw some of the historical sights in the city of Managua.
We spent the majority of our time in a small village outside of Managua called the region of Chakra Saca building a home for a family, working on projects in a school, and hanging out with the vibrant amazing people of this area!
I am so lucky I get to travel so much but I do not usually get a chance to give back or experience the true culture of the places I go. I really loved being able to interact, help in the way I could, and get my hands dirty along side my Dad. How cool is it that he took time out of his busy life, dropped everything, to come experience this with me? He is one of the coolest people I know and I am so lucky to call him my Dad.